Argument Classics: Birth Control

                                          Wonder Woman & Birth Control: The Legacy of Margaret Sanger

 Thesis: Birth control should not be viewed as an issue linked exclusively to women and morality, but rather as a learning point and basic health care right for everybody.

    The logistics and inner details of birth control are discussed in great detail throughout Margaret Sanger's speech, "The Morality of Birth Control." Sanger touches on many valid points that strengthen the proposal to make birth control a subject of science, rather than a taboo. A large portion of the proposal touches on over-population; the author's belief is that birth control is a necessity to counter the growing problem in the United States. Most of the arguments against birth control becoming a mainstream health care topic address the moral standpoint of birth control and the purposes for which Sanger deems it necessary. Personally, I feel that while the large majority of the authors speech introduces a much needed discussion, there are points which appear controversial.

    The arguments made by Sanger in general are sound and speak to many issues that are relevant today. A strong point in the article is the idea that there is a stigma around the progression and uplifting of women, with Sanger stating:

We know that every advance that woman has made in the last half century has been made with opposition, all of which has been based upon the grounds of immorality. When women fought for higher education, it was said that this would cause her to become immoral and she would lose her place in the sanctity of the home (Sanger). 

I believe this quote focuses on one of the strongest aspects of the speech. Women have experienced unwarranted close minded thinking about basic human rights, and birth control is just another addition to the list. The notion that immorality will be a side effect of introducing something as simple as birth control is superficial if nothing else. 

    Another strong point presented by the author is the fact that birth control is not simply limited to women taking contraceptives. In the speech, birth control is presented as an emerging area for science, where both men and women can partake in, and learn about the responsibilities of the human body. Sanger makes the point that women should have the right to learn about their own bodies and determine if motherhood is for them. A quote which is perfectly coupled with this states, "If we cannot trust woman with the knowledge of her own body, then I claim that two thousand years of Christian teaching has proved to be a failure." This partly speaks to the religious standpoint that some might have regarding birth control and its alleged ability to morally corrupt women. The goal here is to reject the traditional stereotypes that surround birth control. The author does this by calling upon medical experts to support the proposed health care initiative, so that laws can be changed and people can be properly informed.

    The overall moral foundation from which the author bases the speech is done in good faith, but has red flags which some may disagree with. There are areas discussed by the author such as race deterioration, eugenics, and the indirect statements that poor people should not have children which are questionable at BEST. These topics do not necessarily lessen the argument on birth control but rather shift the focus of the speech to a different light. Sangers position on eugenics/race deterioration has been received with less than positive feelings, with most rejecting her proposition of designer babies for its obvious unethical implications (and some implications surrounding racism). When discussing impoverished members of society, Sanger states, "For if they are not able to support and care for themselves, they should certainly not be allowed to bring offspring into this world for others to look after." This quote is furthered by the statement, "There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped." This is hilariously inflammatory and is where I personally depart from the support of the author. While I agree that there are obvious struggles involved with having a family in poverty, to make the argument that the poor are "diseased" or "feeble-minded" perpetrates a dangerous mentality that those who are less fortunate are inferior human beings. 

    In all the moral argument supplied by Sanger is touching and although there is still debate over areas of her speech today progress has been made. Planned Parenthood has provided health care for women and men in many states while continuing to be a front seat issue in American politics. The following points of the speech remain highly debated areas which open the door for later discussions.

- Bryson Guillen


Michals, Debra. "Margaret Sanger." National Women's History Museum, 2017, 

Sanger, M. (1921, November). The Morality of Birth Control. Speech. 


Thesis: In her speech, "The Morality of Birth Control," Margaret Sanger draws upon several key issues women's rights, what they are capable of, and responsible parenting. Women should be allowed birth control regardless of social class in the hopes that this can limit the population and allow those less fortunate to prosper without unwanted children.

    First, in her speech, "The Morality of Birth Control," Margaret Sanger discusses many topics such as the church and its role in keeping women obedient and clueless, birth control, and the responsibility of parenting. Sanger states, "We ask the opponents of this movement to reverse the methods of the church, which aims to keep women moral by keeping them in fear and in ignorance, and to inculcate into them a higher and truer morality based upon knowledge" (Sanger). For as long as people have been around, women have been seen as inferior to men. Eve came from Adam. Women should raise the kids and be the ever so dutiful housewife and so forth. My opponent makes some valid points about Sanger wanting to uplift women. That women should be allowed to decide for themselves if they're going to be mothers or not. A woman's choice about birth control should not be a topic for men to discuss behind closed doors. It is to be addressed between said woman and her doctor at most behind closed doors.

    Second, in her speech, "The Morality of Birth Control," Margaret Sanger says, "Our first step is to have the backing of the medical profession so that our laws may be changed, so that motherhood may be the function of dignity and choice, rather than one of ignorance and chance. Conscious control of offspring is now becoming the ideal and the custom in all civilised countries" (Sanger). It has always been scary for people to grow and develop and not grow and develop. Growing and gaining knowledge for oneself is a power and an ability that can not be taken away, yet some fear that the same knowledge will get into the wrong hands. Women have always been a part of that group. If women were allowed to decide for themselves to be mothers, the world would not fall into chaos. It would only get better with women leading to change just as much as men, offering insight that men could not see and coming to more peaceful conclusions.

    Third, Margaret Sangers explains her views on the responsibility of all people regarding children and the population. "The second group is equally intelligent and responsible. They desire to control the size of their families, but are unable to obtain knowledge or to put such available knowledge into practice" (Sanger). It can be seen that the second group refers similarly to the middle-upper middle-class people of today. 
Many women did not even know what sex was before their wedding night, as shown in the Bridgerton series sent in the early 19th century. One can only laugh about it now that Sanger writes in her speech about first-class, educated citizens knowing more about birth control and limiting their number of children when it was them who were uninformed the most about its subjects not too long before Sangers' time. 

    While I disagree with Sanger's perspective on only the wealthy being allowed to have kids, I agree with Sanger about the population needing to be controlled. I think an excellent solution comes into play by Sanger herself, "We stand on the principle that birth control should be available to every adult man and woman" (Sanger). If birth control were offered to the poor and the lower middle class for free or at a price they could pay, this could help with the number of children born to families who cannot provide for them. Birth control is not a luxury and should not be treated as such if people are to manage our numbers and resist affecting the number of resources we have, animal populations, and climate change. 

    In conclusion, Sangers' speech brought to light an issue that was just being discussed-birth control. She points out several key issues that women were facing, such as being undermined by men and the right to better education. Sanger questions the church and their hand in undermining women and what they should know less their morals fly out of the window. She also mentions the benefits of birth control in helping population rates and brings to mind another relevant topic. While many modern readers will question her judgment and remarks on who should have kids and such, Sanger's speech should not be discarded entirely. It should be expanded and improved on with regard to women's rights and birth control for all. 

- Angel Hunter

Work Cited

Sanger, Margaret. "The Morality of Birth Control - Nov. 18, 1921." Archives of Women's Political Communication,


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