
Showing posts from March, 2022

Argument Classics: Birth Control

                                                       Thesis : Birth control should not be viewed as an issue linked exclusively to women and morality, but rather as a learning point and basic health care right for everybody.      The logistics and inner details of birth control are discussed in great detail throughout Margaret Sanger's speech, "The Morality of Birth Control." Sanger touches on many valid points that strengthen the proposal to make birth control a subject of science, rather than a taboo. A large portion of the proposal touches on over-population; the author's belief is that birth control is a necessity to counter the growing problem in the United States. Most of the arguments against birth control becoming a mainstream health care topic address the moral standpoint of birth control and the purposes for which Sanger deems it necessary. Personally, I feel that while the large majority of the authors speech introduces a much needed discussion, there ar

The American Way is the "Just" Way: Let's Help Immigrants

 Thesis : Immigrants coming over from other countries should not be turned away because they are just escaping dire situations, want a better life, and it is the American way.      First, while immigrants are seen as outsiders or even worse, terrorists, more often than not that is not the case. Immigrants coming to the United States are just seeking a safe haven. In the article, " Tackling the Global Refugee Crisis: Sharing, not Shirking Responsibility" Salil Shetty writes about how Immigrants who escape war, bombs, and unlivable circumstances now have to be subjected to harsher conditions elsewhere (Shetty). Shetty provides a solution to Immigration problems in the format of countries sharing responsibility for Immigrants based on wealth, the unemployment rate, and population in a country (Shetty). These solutions would help not just people in America but other countries as well because everyone would be helping in maintaining immigrant ratios. Single mothers with kids won&#

Education: Addressing the Issue with Restorative Justice Programs Using Collaborative Rhetoric

Image Credit:   Thesis : While it can be said that restorative justice initiatives have helped many students of color and teachers find a better way of communicating vs. school suspension, it can also be stated that these programs allow disruptive students to keep being a disturbance and let even more students fall behind. A potential solution lies in giving children three strikes before taking action.  First, considering my opponent's arguments that restorative justice programs have decreased the need for suspensions and detentions, they also allow students to be heard more and seen. In her article, "Rethinking School Discipline," Rachel Cohen writes that "Every teacher at Hampstead Hill is required to lead three class-wide circles per week. These don't take very long, perhaps 10 to 12 minutes, but the idea is to regularly create the space for students